Recent Questions
Q: However,I am trying to create a menu like<> and amfrustrated.
Where can I get a template or instructions on which parameters I ammisunderstanding in deluxe tuner?
I want a menu with the expandable + signs on the left which will expandon rollover and allow only one to be expanded at the same time.
A: You should set the following parameters
var texpandItemClick = 1;
var tcloseExpanded = 1;
var tcloseExpandedXP = 1;
Try to do it in the new Deluxe Tuner beta version. We've fixed somebugs with these parameters in the new version.
Q: How can I set a top menu as a link in the web tree view?
Also, some of the parent menu items don't work as a link even though areconfigured as links.
A: Actually you cannot use links for the top items in the XP Style.
But theoretically you can use links for the top items. You can write
["<a href='index.html' class='home' target="frame">Home</a>","", "", "", "", "Return to Index page", "", "0", "", ],
["<a href='' class='home' target="frame">About Us</a>","", "", "", "", "", "", "0", "", ],
["|Introduction","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
Q: Hi I recently purchased your product Deluxe Tuner and I am having trouble with my frame pages.
There is a portion of my site that is set to produce frames and Iwas wondering if there is more information about setting links in a tree view structure to selected frame pages?
A: You can specify target parameter for each item individually.
For example you can specify the name of the frame in the menuItems where you would liketo open your link:
["|Home","testlink.htm", "default.files/icon1_s.gif", "default.files/icon1_so.gif", "", "Home Page Tip", "frame", "", "", "", ],
>Kehren Sie zu Neuen Fragen zurückQ: Cross-frame mode: after clicking on a menu item and the subframe is loading and then mouse over the menu when the subframe has not finished loading a javascript error occurs and then the javascript vertical menu breaks.
A: You can get this error when you load pages from the another domain.
Deluxe Menu can support this mode for the same domain only -- ifyou loaded a page to a subframe from another domain, the submenuscan't be shown in it. It happens because all browsers don't allow todo that for security reasons. Just imagine if you'll able to create aframeset from 2 frames, 1st frame will be with a zero height-width,and you'll load your page into it. Then user will go to another domainand your "invisible" frame will change a content of other pages!