Recent Questions
Q: I purchased the right to use deluxe-menu because I liked how it worked versus my old menu which is your competitor (milonic menu) in the javascript driven menu market.
However, after using your menu for a few months, I have discovered a problem. When I bought the menu, the claim was made it worked with all doctypes. I use "strict" on my web site and want my pages to validate as strict with W3C or WDG validators.
I get a notice of incorrect copyright when I remove the link to yoursite in the heading of the document. Since this line does not validate,I feel that you should provide an adequate alternative to having a unsubstantiated line in your html code. I have looked over the FAQ on your site and have found no remedy. You have a wonderful product and I wish to continue to use your menu. But this one little bugaboo surely can be fixed on your end by altering the requirement to keep the incorrect copyright from appearing even though it shouldn't appear in my opinion.
For instance, I can alter the line and make the link invisible.
Example: <noscript><a href=""></a></noscript>
By making the link invisible with no text, it will mean nobody would see the blatant ad for your site. The incorrect copyright notice does not appear under those circumstances, however it still does not validate.
I just want to create web pages that validate! Please help me as a struggling web author to achieve my goal and still use your menu which I paid for! Thanks for any help you can give me.
I love my deluxe-menu! Please help to keep using it.
A: Thanks for your interest in our products.
Try to move <noscript> tag into the <body> tag.
Q: I am interested in purchasing your product for use in my company's website code. My clients are not tech-savy, and I do not want to include any code that will generate concern or problems on the user end.
Is there a way to use the JavaScript menus without generating the warning as mentioned in the subject? I know how to allow the active content on my web browser, but I want code that will not require such actions on their browsers.
A: Thanks for your interest in our products.
Your clients should check browser settings.
Unfortunately, we can't affect on the browser behavior in this case.
Q: Does this mean that nothing needs to be installed on the server side to make javascript menu?
Here is why I am asking this:
We have a main "corporate" web site, which is going to use the Deluxe Menu. One of the links on the main site will launch a page, which is running on a separate web server (physically separate server, and not a load-balancing scenario). Since all of these pages should look identical to the users, they all have to use the exact same configuration and look&feel in Deluxe Menu. I was wondering if any "configuration" type settings are stored on the server. In other words, would we have to maintain the Deluxe Menu install on two separate servers?
A: There is no need to install anything on your server. You should onlycopy a folder with all engine files (dmenu.js, dmenu_add.js, ...) anddata file on your server. Then you should call these files on yourpages, for example:
<script type="text/javascript"> var dmWorkPath="menu.files/";</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="menu.files/dmenu.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="data.js"></script>
> In other words, would we have to
> maintain the Deluxe Menu install on two separate servers?
Actually you can copy deluxe menu files on the one server only anduse absolute paths.
Q: For example if you use the Growing Goodness menu located under Media Categories the first category is Agriculture w/ a sub category "Community Supported (CSA)" it is the sub category that is an active link. Is it possible to have only the active link "Community Supported (CSA) underlined and not Agriculture? And the same for all the other active links in this menu, all that have hyperlinks assigned to them.
A: You can write your links in the following way:
["Channels","", , , , , , , , ],
["|<a class='menu' href=''>Eco-Friendly</a>","", , , , "_self", , , , ],
["|<a class='menu' href=''>Farmers Market</a>","", , , , "_", , , , ],
["Media Categories","", , , , , , , , ],
["|Agriculture","", , , , , , , , ],
["||<a class='menu' href=''>Community Supported (CSA)</a>","", , , , "_self", , , , ],
["||Movie Trailers","", , , , , , , , ],
["|||<a class='menu' href=''>Farmboy</a>","", , , , "_self", , , , ],
["|||<a class='menu' href=''>Strong Roots, Fragile Farms</a>","", , , , "_self", , ,, ],
["|||<a class='menu' href=''>The Real Dirt On Farmer John</a>","", , , , "_self", , ,, ],
And create a style: {
color: #FFF;
text-decoration: none;} {
color: #FFF;
text-decoration: underline;}