Recent Questions
Q: I am using javascript dropdown menu - Deluxe Menu 2.0 and have some problem with the doctype declaration.
Is there any need to classify a certain doctype in order to get the menu working correctly?
If we use the XML declaration (like this: "">)
the padding and margin settings of the submenus get lost.
Are there any known solution to fix this?
A: Yes, it happens if you don't specify units in "px" for some dropdown menu parameters.
Please, try to write so:
var itemPadding="2px";
Q: How can I have two menus dhtml under each other using the float option? So that do not collide with each other?
A: You can try to adjust the following parameters to the one menu:
var floatableDX=15;
var floatableDY=15;
Q: We are an enterprise license holder and have recently purchased Deluxe Menu and are transitioning to it smoothly except for one minor annoyance; the first dhtml div menu item's submenu always has a gap between the browser’s left side as shown below. This happens for Internet Explorer 6, 7 and Firefox 2 and 3.04b.
If I move the menubar to the right about ten pixels, the submenu's left side will line up with the word "Search" as it should. Every other submenu on the dhtml div menu appears directly beneath its menubar item except for the very first one on the left. I’ve tried using a few of the example configurations but they all experience the same behavior.
The installation is in a multi-framed environment.
A: You should change dmenu.js file. Open it in any text editor and find:
Change it to:
Q: What window do I go to in the dhtml menu creater to add the hyperlinks target??? I created menus and submenu but I don't know how to add the hyperlinks to them?
A: You should add links and target in Deluxe Tuner in "ItemParameters" window. See the attached example.To set target for all items you should use the following parameter("Common" section): var itemTarget="_self";