Recent Questions
Q: What I meant was that there is an API function dm_ext_changeItem that allows you to specify 8 dropdown menu parameters in an array. What if I only want to change one of them like the link for example? What do I specify in my function call to leave the other 7 parameters unchanged? Do I specify the existing values? Or, can I just put in a comma with no parameter? That would be a lot easier. Thank you.
A: You should specify only dropdown menu parameters you want to change.
You should just put a commas with no parameters, for example:
dm_ext_changeItem(0, 0, 1, ["Deluxe Menu Info", "", "", "", "Deluxe Menu Hint",,"1"]);Q: Is there a way to have multiple drop down menus on the same web page? What I mean by that is I have a banner with drop downs (horizontal on page) that I want to use possibly with an include statement and when you click on one of the links from the drop down it would take you to a page that is say a department for example. But on this "department page" it would have another list of drop down menues in a different location in a vertical list. This gets tricky with a second set of script running to define the banner and a second set of drop down menues running vertical in a different location.
A: You can use as many different drop down menus on your site or your page as you want.
See more info about installation of several menus on the single pagehere:
Q: When I run the cursor over the menu, the menu images disappear for usually a split second, but sometimes for several seconds at a time. Is there a way to make the image static or keep it solid when the cursor runs over it?
A: You can have such effect when the page entirely was not loaded yet.
So, images were loaded only for the 1 state and for the other stat were not loaded yet.
If you don't want to have such effect you can use 1 state buttons.
Q: I still am having no luck with Firefox showing an Incorrect Copyright nag (Again, just Firefox for Mac; no problem with other browsers.)
Also, I am still requiring a long delay to keep the pop-up window open from loading as the page loads. Script reads:
deluxePopupWindow.attachToEvent(win,'openAfter=,,onClick=Image2,,,') }, 'load')
A: Delete 'openAfter=' at all from deluxePopupWindow.attachToEventfunction (in all files):
In that case popup windows won't show till you click on the images.
You should write NOSCRIPT tag in the following way:
<noscript><a href="">menu drop down by</a></noscript>
I've just checked it. There is no nag message in Firefox in that case.But notice that you won't have nag message on your website only. On alocal machine you'll have nag message.