Recent Questions
Q: I would like to use dhtml popup window in response to a mouse click on a picture.
A: To open your window on mouse click you should do the following:
<a title="Click to open the window" href="javascript:;"
onclick="'win', '<img class=\'border0\'
src=\'../images/Tige/CabinetMod/Tige_CabinetMod04.JPG\' alt=\'Gasket
mount\'>', 'Full Image', 'width=180,height=270,resizable,scrollbars=no,middle,right,fade-effect', 'windowsvista_graphite')">
lt;img class="border0" src="../images/Tige/CabinetMod/Tige_CabinetMod04_small.JPG" alt="Gasket mount"></a>.
Q: Could you tell me if this drop down menus javascript work with Japanese fonts?
A: If you are using a Japanese system then everything should render correctly.
If you are using an English system with a Japanese IME then you willneed to set the font in the Tuner to one that supports the characters you require.
Q: I bought this menu in Dec and have a problem with it in the Firefox browser. In IE it works fine, Firefox throws the menu on the right side of the page. Am I doing something wrong?
A: Try to set the exact width for the menu in "px":
var menuWidth="500px";
Q: How i can to order tabs in the onclick tab menu from right to left ??
A: Try to use that parameter:
var bitemAlign="right";