Recent Questions
Q: Only in XP Styles for dhtml vertical menus I can set the "movable menu" on ?!
When I save to teste this feature doesn't work !!!
A: You can use movable feature in the var tXPStyle=0;too.
But to use floatable or movable feature you should use absolute position forthe menu:
var tabsolute=1;
var tleft="20px";
var ttop="40px";
Q: I would like all my submenus of the html menu to appear in the same location on the page and not relative to the parent menu item.
A: You can do it using the following parameters:
var subMenuAlign = "left"; - Horizontal alignment for submenus.
"pleft", "pcenter", "pright" - alignment relative to the parent submenu.
var subMenuVAlign = "top"; - Submenus vertical alignment.
"ptop", "pcenter", "pbottom" - alignment relative to the parent submenu.
Q: We are evaluating your product Deluxe Tree-menu.
We want that when user clicks an item, then load other page. This other page also conatains the tree menu. But, we are looking for how we have to do for the previously clicked menu items in java (in the previous page) remains highlighted for inform to user what is his current page/selection.
We know toggleMode feature, but after the second page loads, the clicked item does not remain higlighted.
It is possible to achieve this behavior with your product???
A: You should use API functions in that case
function dtreet_ext_expandItem (itemID, expand)
function dtreet_ext_setPressedItem (menuInd, itemID)
See more info about API functions:
See the samples:
Q: I tried to create this html version and it is still not working.
I have saved all of the files in the correct places and what it gives me is just all of the links in a straight line across the top of the page.
I really think it is sitebuilder that is creating the issue with the structure of the head and body tags, but I a am a little new so I may be wrong.
A: You should delete tag from your code.
Please delete the following string from your html page.
<base href="file:///C:/Program%20Files/Yahoo%20SiteBuilder/sites/rainforestanimals/rainforestanimal/test2.html">