- Special JavaScript API for changing javascript menu "on-the-fly" - Submenus dropdown on mouseover - Search feature - add the search area in the menu and type symbols. - Image arrows - Status string shows item labels - Submenus automatically scrolls - Visible over select boxes, iframes, pdf, flash, Java applets. - Personal CSS styles for separate menu elements
Use images for backgrounds of submenus and items, icons, arrows. Using web images you can create menus completely based on graphics.
Design both horizontal and vertical menus and submenus with any amount of menus on a single page.
Place any HTML code inside the menu item - be it a flash-object, form, picture, or text. This ability lets you to build various menus of any complexity.
Submenus can be shown in 4 ways: - From left to right and also from left to right + upwards. - From right to left and also from right to left + upwards (e.g. for right-to-left languages).
Q: Dreamweaver navigation bar disappearing behind flash file in Firefox..
A:You should add "opaque" parameter for
Q: Do this easy drop down menu support Right to left property?
A: Deluxe Menu support right-to-left languages.
In Deluxe Menu you can set the following parameter:
var dmRTL = 1;
Set this parameter to 1 if you're using right-to-left direction of html page <HTML dir=rtl>.
Q: Is it possible to insert an item at the top of the submenu in the html popup menu?
A: To insert item in the specific position you should use the following function:
function dm_ext_addItemPos (menuInd, submenuInd, iParams, Pos)
Adds the new item to a submenu. menuInd - index of a menu on a page, >= 0. submenuInd - index of a submenu, >= 0. See more info about indexes here. iParams = [array] - the array of item parameters. Pos - the position in the menu where you want to add new item.
Q: The menu has a problem with newlines. The menu builds correctly (layout ok) but when pressed on the button nothing happens
At some point, in the DHTML menu, we have the following in the javascript:
var menuitems = [
["|Print HTML","javascript:alert('HTML print: Only the 7 most recent orders on the screen \n will be printed because of space limitations on paper.');printResult('4'); ","","", ,"_parent",,] ]
As you can see we have a newline (\n) between the words "screen" and "will". But when we click on the button nothing happens. If we remove the newline and we click on the button then we first get the alert box. After pressing the OK button the function printResult is called.
Is there any way for us to still use the newline character in the menuItems variable?
This can be easily reproducible. That's why I haven't made an example.
A: Try to write in the following way \\n:
["|Print HTML","javascript:alert('HTML print: Only the 7 most recent orders on the screen \\n will be printed because of space limitations on paper.');printResult('4'); ","","", ,"_parent",,]
Tiene algunas opciones más que en J! 1.0.x pero te serán familiares. ... Después tendrás este menú desplegable junto a los otros en "Menús-->....tu menú"
Jun 10, 2007... accounts computerworld against asp.net or java (code-named commonly), ... en el menú desplegable de soporte de codec lugares aún licencia microsoft
En el desplegable de scm url no te aparece svn ? .... El fichero que da fallo está en es.git.openkm.extractor/AudioTextExtractor.java y en el error log ... me suena algo de propiedades de mi pc y alguna opcion de menu de
Macromedia tiene Plantillas para configurar el aspecto de la ventana emergente de video. .... elegir cómodamente, seleccionandolo de un desplegable el ancho de banda que deseas. ... aparece la opción en el menú "Insert > Media > Flash Video ". ... el problema radica en que al tratar de poner unas lineas de java en
Templates con menus desplegables tipo javascript Spanish Forum. ... las plantillas, pero sabe alguien de alguna plantilla que tenga menus en java script ,
5 Feb 2006 ... Plantillas hay para aburrir, de todas clases, precios y colores. ... My Extensions: JM-Recommend, JM-Credits, JM-Link Us (for J! 1.0.x). .... el explorador del sitio tiene menus desplegables con clic derecho
Macromedia tiene Plantillas para configurar el aspecto de la ventana emergente de video. .... elegir cómodamente, seleccionandolo de un desplegable el ancho de banda que deseas. ... aparece la opción en el menú "Insert > Media > Flash Video ". ... el problema radica en que al tratar de poner unas lineas de java en
www.petefreitag.com/item/455.cfm Para imprimir plantillas .pdf de ayuda .... http://www.menu-fx.com menús desplegables en Flash y Java Tutoriales para Flash
5 Feb 2006 ... Plantillas hay para aburrir, de todas clases, precios y colores. ... My Extensions: JM-Recommend, JM-Credits, JM-Link Us (for J! 1.0.x). .... el explorador del sitio tiene menus desplegables con clic derecho
Es lo que se llama en algunos lados "plantillas de código" o code snippets. ..... Por cierto, esta mañana he estado viendo programar con Java en la última ... de teclado para cada ejecución, y listado rápido en el menu desplegable