Recent Questions
Q: I have a table with uneven Rows, Cols.
I would like to make popup menu in java script that displays menu next to "2006","2007" or "2008" when I move mouse to these items.
I tried but it not work the way I would like to see.
But I think it is Possible.
A: See how you should create Popup menus here:
Q: I have downloaded the trial version of Deluxe Menu and am seriously looking at buyingit. I am trying to go thro the instructions and check out if it meets my requirement.
I am not able to figure out how to equally space out all my menu items on the javascript menu bar.
My menu bar width is fixed at 800 px and I have 7 items - horizontal type. The menuitems widths appear different for the menu items. How do I ensure that all of them are ofequal size ??
A: Set width for the items using Individual styles:
var itemStyles=[["itemWidth=100px"],] //style 0
Assign Individual Styles for the menu Items.
var menuItems = [
["Item 1","", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", "", "", ], //style 0
["Item 2",", "data2.files/icon1.gif", "data2.files/icon1o.gif", "", "", "0", "", "", "", "", ], //style 0
];Q: We are now working with Deluxe Menu and can't get our favorite template to link. It is the one you call animated-icons
The example you gave has no links, but when we try to add links to it (in the 2nd parameter of any menu item), NOTHING happens.
It's not a broken link, it just wont do ANYTHING.
A: See your menu parameters. Now you have:
var itemTarget="";
var statusString="string";
You should set this parameters:
var itemTarget="_self";
var statusString="link";
Q: We're working on new website and including your html menu systems.
Here's what we're trying to do and it keeps giving us an error (using MS Frontpage for development):
1) We have created a single leftnav menu that will appear on all of the pages of our website.
2) We've created an html page called leftnav.htm that is only this menu. It works just fine when we preview within Frontpage. The leftnav.htm and all the menu .js files are in a unique folder within the site.
3) We then have a template page that is the base template for many of the pages on our website. There is a layout table in this template into which we do an Includepage to bring in the leftnav.htm. When we try to preview this page with the menu included, we get a script error that says "Object expected" on line #155 (the .js file only has 154 lines of code).
We're stuck. Is there a problem with how we're trying to implement the html menu systems?
A: It is possible that you'll have an error in the Frontpage's preview.
Try to open your page in browser. If you'll have the same error,please send send us a copy of your html pages (including .js files) and we will check it.