Recent Questions
Q: How does the SiteMap function work in java menu software? Does it automatically create tree-view from the domain registration (License Key Generator)? We want to generate SiteMap from our domain automatically and save it as HTML to be displayed on our homepage.
A: You can create Sitemap for your menu using java menu software.
Tools/Generate Google XML Sitemap
Tools/Generate Sitemap
> We want to generate SiteMap from our domain automatically and save it
> as HTML to be displayed on our homepage.
There is no such a feature in Deluxe Menus, you can create sitemap forthe menu only.
Q: The dhtml floating menu does not align to the top of the column and it migrates as one scrolls up or down the page. I would like it to stay in one place.
A: 1) Add valign="top"> parameter for the TD tag with the menu:
<td valign="top">
<script type="text/javascript" src="welcome_files/frenchdata.js"></script>
2) Open your frenchdata.js file in any text editor (or Deluxe Tuner) and change:
var absolutePos=0;
var posX="20px";
var posY="120px";
var absolutePos=0;
var posX="0px";
var posY="0px";
3) To turn off the floating feature you should set the following parameter in yourfrenchdata.js file:
var floatable=0;
Q: I see most of the sub-menus of the navigation bar (if there is space on the left side),
they are opening on the left side instead of right side..Could you please let me know how to fix it.
A: You should change the following parameter:
var subMenuAlign="right";
var subMenuAlign="left";
Q: When I save the file in our folder all the icons stop showing. I placed a image folder in our IE folder and still no icons are showing.
A: You should check all your paths.
Please, check that you have correct paths in the tmenuItems. Forexample:
["|Samples", "", "icon3_s.gif", "icon3_so.gif", "", "Samples Tip"],
["||Sample 1", "testlink.htm", "iconarrs.gif"],
["||Sample 2", "testlink.htm", "iconarrs.gif"],
["||Sample 3", "testlink.htm", "iconarrs.gif"],
["||Sample 4", "testlink.htm", "iconarrs.gif"],
You can also try to use the following parameter:
var tpathPrefix_img = "img/";