Recent Questions
Q: I have a website where the customer asks (requested popup) for a onclick popup window so they can listen in to a radio braodcast. i.e. popup on demand.
But, the popup needs to keep working so the user can move to another website without dropping the broadcast. In otherwords If the popup is dropped so is the broadcast. That is my issues. Help! Also, using a standard popup windows doesn't always work Cross browsers and IE works ok but Firefox still allows the user to resize the windows even if you tell it not to.
A: No, it is not possible to leave the onclick popup window after you close thepage with popup.
Q: My second “drop down” column of the milonic dhtml menu goes up instead of down like the rest..Can you tell me how to correct this?
A: Try to set the following parameter:
var subMenuVAlign="bottom";
Q: I'm trying the deluxe menu and I'm positively impressed.
But now I'm trying to simply use javascript to add some properties to my menu.
I modified the dynamic to 1
and I get only one error in the javascript monitor telling me:
Error: dm has no properties
Source File:
Line: 8
A: Please, see how you should write this function:
function dm_ext_addItem (menuInd, submenuInd, iParams)
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2">
dm_ext_addItem(0, 0, ["Hello", "testlink.htm", "", "", "Hello", "_blank", "-1"]);
menuInd - index of a menu on a page, >= 0. (you have written menuInd=1, but if you have one menu on your page you should write 0).
You also have written itemStyleInd=1, but you have only one style in your menu. So you should write "0" or "-1".
Q: I just noticed another problem: when I set dmObjectsCheck=1 and I click on a menu-item of the dropdown menu nothing happens! No matter whether the banner is flash or not. And no matter if the browser is IE or Firefox. As soon as I set dmObjectsCheck=0 the submenu works again.
A: You should set the following parameter
var dmObjectsCheck=1;
You should also add dmenu_add.js file into the folder with yourdmenu.js file.
Please, check it.