Recent Questions
Q: Is there a way to get text to wrap on a tree menu rather then have scroll bars if the text is wider then the area?
A: To wrap your text you can use the following parameter:
var tnoWrap=0;
you can also use standard <br> tags.
["|Home aaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa<br>aaa aaaaaaaaaaa","testlink.htm", "default.files/icon1_s.gif", "default.files/icon1_so.gif", "", "Home Page Tip", "", "", "", ],
Q: If need to make changes do I need to replace all the files and folder and script in all the web pages? Or are there just one or two files that need to be replaced? Which files or folders?
A: You need to change only your data.js (by default) file. It is thefile with your menu parameters.
Then you should upload this file on your server and may be add somenew images. That is all.
Q: How can I set the padding for the dhtml horizontal menu text at the top? I want more padding on the left of the text but I don't want it centered.
A: You can set bigger left padding for your Submenu Style, for example:
var menuStyles = [
["menuBackColor=transparent","menuBorderWidth=0","itemSpacing=1","itemPadding=0px 5px 0px 25px"],
itemPadding=0px 5px 0px 25px
top right bottom left
Q: I have been working with on a site and I am kind stack using the program. I want to use the tree option but not all “buttons” need to have subcategories. For example:
Category 1
Sub-menu 1-1
Sub-menu 1-2
Sub-menu 1-3
Category 2
Sub-menu 2-1
Sub-menu 2-2
Sub-menu 2-3
Category 3
Category 4
When someone click on the “Category 1” or “Category 2”, I want them to see the sub-menus. However, when some click on “Category 3” or “Category 4”, I would like to have it open the appropriate page. How do I do this? This will make a lot easier because not all buttons need to have sub-menus… I hope that makes sense and you can help me on getting this done.
A: You cannot use links for the top items in XP Style only.
var tXPStyle=1;
but you can write:
["<a href=''>Item 45</a>","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],