Recent Questions
Q: Is it possible to populate a drop down menu trees from a mysql database?
If so do you have an example please before I go ahead and try/purchase.
A: Unfortunately we don't have working example.
Only this example:
You can use trial version to test the menu at first. Trial version has full functionalityexcept "Trial Version" nag.Q: I am having a little problem. While the code seems to be working fine with IE7, it doesnТt load on Firefox 2.0.
IТve spent quite a while looking through the code and looking at the live examples on your site to see if there is anything I can do, but havenТt found a solution to this problem!
A: You should set the following parameter:
var tmenuHeight = "auto";
Q: Is this possible to make the background of item in a free dhtml menu fully transparent sothat the page below it is fully visible.
A: Yes, it is possible.
You can set the following parameter:
var menuBackColor="transparent";
Q: The trees I'll be building can be very large and will need to be demand loaded. In other words, I need to add the children *after* the user clicks on the parent.
A: No, unfortunately it is not possible in Deluxe Tree. Deluxe Treedoesn't have AJAX feature like Deluxe Menu.