Recent Questions
Q: We are actually very happy with the product compared to the other options available. The code is cleaner and it is easy to use. We would actually like to continue to use your product but our client uses firefox most of the time and if the javascript onmouseover menu won't go over the java applet it isn't going to work. You mention that you will try to fixthe issue. If you can give me a date to when it would be fixed by, I can try to convince our client to wait.
Please let me know as soon as possible.
A: Actually Deluxe Menu v3.2.5 overlap applets in Firefox.
See the attached example.
You should set
var useIFRAME=1;
Q: I have downloaded the trial version of Deluxe Menu and am seriously looking at buyingit. I am trying to go thro the instructions and check out if it meets my requirement.
I am not able to figure out how to equally space out all my menu items on the javascript menu bar.
My menu bar width is fixed at 800 px and I have 7 items - horizontal type. The menuitems widths appear different for the menu items. How do I ensure that all of them are ofequal size ??
A: Set width for the items using Individual styles:
var itemStyles=[
] //style 0
Assign Individual Styles for the menu Items.
var menuItems = [
["Item 1","", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", "", "", ], //style 0
["Item 2",", "data2.files/icon1.gif", "data2.files/icon1o.gif", "", "", "0", "", "", "", "", ], //style 0
Q: By the way, this is an issue at your site, too...
Have a look at in
FireFox - when hovering over the Product Info or Samples buttons, the Deluxe Menu flash element disappears behind the drop-down menu.
I notice this pages states: "If for some reasons a submenu can't drop down over an object the latter will be hidden for a time when the submenu is shown.".
A: Unfortunately, it is really so.
Now there is no work around for this.
We'll try to fix this bug in the future version of Deluxe Menu.
Q: Is it possible to insert a dhtml foldout menu item at the top of the submenu? For example, if a dhtml foldout menu is defined as:
var menuItems = [
How can I add a new item above “Residential?” I’ve tried the following with no luck — the forth argument does not seem to be used:
dm_ext_addItem(0, 1, ["New Sample", "testlink.htm", "", "", "Your Sample Tooltip", "middle", 0], 0)
A: To insert item in the specific position you should use thefollowing function:
function dm_ext_addItemPos (menuInd, submenuInd, iParams, Pos)