Recent Questions
Q: If we spot a bug in the javascript menu code, what can be planned to have it corrected?
A: You should send an e-mail to the support [email protected] describe your problem in brief and send it to us by e-mail.You can also send us a direct link to a page with the error or copy ofyour html page (including .js files).
Q: If I have a Menu and Tab control on the same page, how do I get the menu pop up to have a higher z-index so it displays on top on the tabs?
I want the main menu to display above the Label/Candle tab control.
A: Deluxe Tabs has z-index = 2000
Deluxe Menu has z-index = 1000
You can open dmenu.js file in any text editor and find the following code:
Change it to
Q: I recently decided to begin using the modal popup window and needthe calling browser window to reload when the deluxe-popup closes.
A: You can add an event when you close your popup window in the following way:
document.getElementById('ID').onclose = function(){ call(parameter1, parameter2); };
where ID is the ID of your window.
Add this code after you call your data file or function.
Q: Is there any way with my dynamic menu in javascript, to allow/setup the showing of path navigation at the top so the viewer sees where they are and where they have been (the path)?
A: You can only show the path in your status string. Set the followingparameter:
var statusString="link";