Recent Questions
Q: I have two question for now...
Where can I change the word "loading" during ajax is loading the submenu?????
Is state saving of javascript based tree just for the first level??? Does it works for the AJAX submenus?
The reason why I switch to treemenu is the possibility of state saving!
A: I've just checked your website and save state feature works fine for the ajax submenus.
Actually we've added this feature in v3.2.7 of Deluxe Tree.
I see you changed the "Loading.." text inside the dtree_ajax.js file.Q: I got it working however I have an additional question.
How do I allocate the width of each "button" see sample how for instance the "FAQ" button is so narrow compared to others. I tried adding spaces with no result.
A: You can use Individual Item Styles to set exact width for the menuitems.
For example:
var itemStyles = [
["itemWidth=100px"], //style 0
var menuItems = [
["Home","testlink.html", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ], //style 0
["Product Info","", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ], //style 0
Q: Can I just have the date displayed without the time in the javascript popup calendar
A: You cannot hide time from the calendar templates.
But you can chose the output data format.
See more info:
calendarDatePicker.handlers( ['txt', 'txt', {type : 'date', format: '%d-%m-%Y'}] );
The result will be: 12-02-2009 Q: I bought the Deluxe Menu system for one website. Javascript select menu works well on all versions of IE that I tried (5,6,7)
However, the background and shadow do not render in Firefox. As a result the menu is not as attractive.
Can you help with this or am I stuck?
A: You should add Individual Item style and assign it for the top javascript select menu items:
var itemStyles = [
["Home","index.shtml", "", "", "First Page", "", "0", "", "", "", "", ],
["Communication","", "", "", "", "", "0", "-1", "", "", "", ],
Filters and transitional effects are features of Internet Explorer5.5+ only.
See more info here: