Align Menu Right Indexhibit by
Align Menu Right Indexhibit

Menu Screenshots

Align Menu Right Indexhibit Java Scripts Menue


Seamless Integration
  • Cross-frame support - menus work on frameset-based pages
  • Visible over flash, select boxes, iframes, java applets
  • Multiple menus on the same page
  • Amicable to other scripts and css styles
  • Any HTML code can be used inside menu items
Cost Effective
Horizontal Tree Menu Align Menu Right Indexhibit
Easy Setup
  • De Luxe Tuner. GUI interface to create your align menu right indexhibit menus easily and in no time
  • Sensible menu parameters for manual editing
High Performance
  • AJAX menu loading - loads web menu data from the server "on-the-fly".
  • Commonly loads quicker than other html page elements
  • UL/LI items structure
  • Runs well with an unlimited number of submenus and items
Professional Look-n-feel
  • Entirely customizable look-n-feel
  • A lot of pre-designed align menu right indexhibit samples
  • Hundreds of visual effects
  • Custom CSS styles can be applied for all menu settings

2.0 Buttons by v3.0.0

Javascript Menu. DHTML Menu.

  • Sub menus dropdown over all the objects on the page (select, applet, flash, object, embed). If for some reasons (old browser) a submenu can't go over an object, the object will be hidden for a time when the submenu is shown.
  • Design personal styles for any submenu and item. Use individual styles to rich killer visual effects!
  • These effects will make your menu neat and chic. You can set transparency, cast a shadow on the menu and submenus. Among available special visual effects there are random dissolve, fade, mix, mosaic slide out and many many others.

Recent Questions

Q: We are in the stage of design, we have a requirement to have the right click drop down menu fly out from right to left.

A: The following parameter controls the ways of showing submenus:

From left to right:

  var subMenuAlign="left";
  var subMenuVAlign="top";

From left to right + upwards:

  var subMenuAlign="left";
  var subMenuVAlign="bottom";

From right to left:

  var subMenuAlign="right";
  var subMenuVAlign="top";

From right to left + upwards:

  var subMenuAlign="right";
  var subMenuVAlign="bottom";

You can find this info here:

Q: In Firefox, the java popup menu is hidden behind Flash player. Anyway to fix this?

A: See fix for flash in Firefox here:

Q: Can I create a pop up using javascript that fly's out after 10 seconds.

Please advise.

A: Create popup window and set openAfter=10 parameter to it.
You can find this parameter in 'Actions' section.

Q: I'm wondering if you can use the Link Item of the Deluxe Menu to have ASP code, similar to yoru FAQ below, only replacing the Javascript with ASP?

Q: I want to use Javascript instead of usual links for menu items. How can I do that? A: To do that you should add a function word "javascript" in the URL field of an item, e.g.:

  var menuItems = [
[text, "javascript:alert('Hello, world!')", icon1, icon2],

A: Thanks for your interest in our products.

You can use any server-side script, e.g., PHP, ASP, VB, etc.

You can find the example with PHP here: