Recent Questions
Q: When my page loads up, there is a flash for about a second of all the text that is used in the java menus. This looks really bad to visitors like I am using hidden text on the page. Is there a way to prevent this flash of text?
A: I suppose that you see search engine friendly code.
<!-- Code for Deluxe Menu Items. Generated by Deluxe Tuner -->
<div id="dmlinks" style="font:undefined;color:#000000;text-decoration:none">
<a id="dmI0" href="testlink.html">Home</a>
<a id="dmI2" href="testlink.html">Features</a>
<!-- End of Code for Deluxe Menu Items -->
You won't see this text in most cases. We use it on our websites too.
But you can delete this code if you want.
Q: Why do I get the "Incorrect Copyright" message in Internet Explorer 7. I am using Deluxe Menu version 1.14. Shouldn't this support IE5+, including IE7?
This is what I found in you FAQ about this matter:
Do I really need to buy an upgrade for each new browser release when I don't need any of the new features in Deluxe Menu???
A: Thanks for your interest in our products.
Deluxe Menu v1.14 works with "Incorrect Copyright" message in IE7. Youshould upgrade to Deluxe Menu v2.0.
The upgrade is free for existing customers.
You can download licensed package from the same link in your licensemessage.
Q: My menu font is white. Is there a way to set the preview screen background color to something else than white?
Cause this is a problem as the main menu bar does not have a background color ( I want the background image of the page to shine through).
A: Yes, you can do it. Please open in any text editor the following file:
"C:\Program Files\Deluxe Menu\deluxe-tuner\data\deluxe-menu\preview.html"
You should set bgcolor parameter, for example:
Q: Can I just have the date displayed without the time in the javascript popup calendar
A: You cannot hide time from the calendar templates.
But you can chose the output data format.
See more info:
calendarDatePicker.handlers( ['txt', 'txt', {type : 'date', format: '%d-%m-%Y'}] );
The result will be: 12-02-2009