- Relative/Absolute menu position - AJAX menu loading - loads web menu data from the server "on-the-fly". - Horizontal or vertical orientation - Special JavaScript API for changing javascript menu "on-the-fly" - Inactive/Disabled items - Submenus go over all page objects - Items with icons - Several menus on one page
Good menu is an essential part of website commercial success. If people can't find their way around the site, they will fast give up seeking and retire, never to return. So, it's extreme serious that your website has a accurate, precise, prompt, and navigation of immaculate appearance. Don't let your web site guests to get lost. Try Deluxe Menu!
Q: I have small problems with your javascript menu system.
#1. I am creating a multi-level menu, am I limited to a gird format or can every item have a variable column width?
#2. With submenus, I want to have the submenu be the same width as the parent cell, is there a simple command for this, or do I have to guess the column widths until it fits correctly?
#3. In those same submenus, I have items that are longer than the parent, is there a word wrap or a way to define a break, rather than having the scroll feature?
A:1) You should use Individual Item Styles. For example: var itemStyles = [ ["itemWidth=120","itemBorderWidth=1","itemBorderStyle=solid,solid","itemBackColor=#ACF88B,#ACF88B","itemBorderColor=#329309,#329309"], //style0 ["itemWidth=100","itemBorderWidth=1","itemBorderStyle=solid,solid","itemBackColor=#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF","itemBorderColor=#1B92E9,#1B92E9"], //style1 ["itemWidth=130","itemBorderWidth=1","itemBorderStyle=solid,solid","itemBackColor=#FF9684,#FF9684","itemBorderColor=#EC7575,#EC7575"], //style2 ["itemWidth=150","itemBorderWidth=1","itemBorderStyle=solid,solid","itemBackColor=#84F9FF,#84F9FF","itemBorderColor=#00B8C1,#00B8C1"], //style3 ]; var menuStyles = [ ["smColumns=2"], //style0 ];
Q: Is there any way to have the browser reset the horizontal tree view to allcollapsed each time the browser is reopened?
A:You should set the following parameter in that case:
var tsaveState=0;Q: The menu is very large and I am concerned about load speed.
Does the ajax like technology just load the top tabs and then only the sub menus if they are clicked? I have clicked true and added 5 as there are 5 submenus but it does not seem to make any difference.
What can I do to speed up the javascript onclick menu?
A: Check that you've set the following parameter:
var dm_writeAll=0;
Q: I am using Javascript Menu. Deluxe Menu. v1.12 How can I upgrade to v.2.0?
A:How to upgrade to v2.00 --------------------------------------------------------------- You can download the licensed engine .js files from the same link in your license message.Deluxe Menu v2.00 has new parameters and features. To upgrade to v2.00 you should do the following.
Step 1. 1.1 For Windows users a. Run Deluxe Tuner v2.0 (can be found in the trial menu package v2.0 http://deluxe-menu.com/deluxe-menu.zip). b. Open menu data file (.js file where menu parameters are placed): select File/OpenЕ c. Save the file: select File/Save, then click "No" button when the dialog box appears.
1.2 For other OS users a. Open menu data file (.js file where menu parameters are placed) in a text editor. b. Make sure that the following variables exist in the data file:
var keystrokes = 0; var dm_focus = 1; var dm_actKey = 113;
var dynamic = 0; var smHideOnClick = 1; var itemAlignTop = 'left'; var smSmartScroll = 1;
var dmAJAX = 0; var dmAJAXCount = 30; var dmRTL = 0; var dmObjectsCheck = 0; var menuBackRepeat = "repeat"; var menuHeight = ""; var transDuration2 = 200;
If one of the variables doesn't exist - add it at the beginning of the file.
c. Save the file.
Step 2. Now open HTML-page that contains Deluxe Menu.
Step 3. Replace existent tags of the menu by the following code:
<noscript><a href="http://deluxe-menu.com">Javascript Menu by Deluxe-Menu.com</a></noscript>
Step 4. Save HTML-page.
Step 5. New engine v2.00 has 7 .js files. They are: - dmenu.js - dmenu4.js - dmenu_add.js - dmenu_dyn.js - dmenu_key.js - dmenu_cf.js (new v2.00) - dmenu_popup.js (new v2.00)
Replace all old .js files by the files from v2.00.
A new interface dedicated to menu themes is now available in the options. ... The Predefined Quality selection slide in the performance options ... mode has been improved; non-tradable items can no longer be selected. ... The interface that lists spells no longer displays a horizontal scroll bar
This allows you to easily copy/paste page HTML from one page to another. ... Display x items per page. Login Tools ... or footer for your page (usually in combination with the 'relative horizontal resizing' option). ... Slide Menu - New feature: Added animation effects (slide/fade) to slidemenu
Improved: Several improvements for HTML import, for example: Web Builder now also tries ... New feature: Added cellspacing property to Slide Menu ... New feature: Center page horizontally and vertically(! ... New feature: You can now set the style for the main menu item and submenu items seperatly
Dec 2, 2009 ... Flash Horizontal Menu - Flash web page header has multi-level ... It includes different items for menu structure like separators, simple text and images. ... Banner with a beautiful snowfall effect, 10 slide transition types. .... The link to video file is containing in HTML as FlashObject parameter
Cube and Wall Mode - Horizontal. Cube and Wall Mode - Vertical ... -SlideShow Widget (for slide show of pictures) ... -make sure only system is mounted from partition menu FIRST and then execute .... http://www.droidforums.net/forum/ blackdroid/35836-ultimate-droid-9-8-0-built-source-fast-working-3dlauncher.html
Bug: "Show in separate window" menu item not working ... Post Source and More Info at: http://blog.paltalk.com/paltalkblog/2010/02/paltalk-v99-beta.html ... In 9.8 In Horizontal size i was able to make it till 1/3 of my Laptop screen. ... on a disktop, left click on the mouse and slide the screen to
Menu styles: dropdown/flyup (normally for Horizontal style) or from left/right ... <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ..... Child menus (drop-down or slide-out menus in TransMenu) worked fine in Safari. ... The submenu in the image is for the "Candidates" menu item and it appears way down by
Then save your code in html page and your menu is ready! .... Menu items that are open with submenus are set to MenuBarItemHover with a blue background . ... Menu Generator · horizontal pull out menu javascript Sliding Menu Template
Case 2201: Slide background sound will continue to play ... Case 9263: Editing the HTML frame, such as renaming an HTML file or changing the ... Case 12824: The Align Horizontal and Vertical Center now work more consistently. ... This will help users associate the menu items with the toolbar icons
/templates/rt_mynxx_j15/html/mod_roknavmenu/default.php ... I also can't get a horizontal menu. I'm looking to have my main menu in the top ... format with submenus that automatically slide out under the parent items
what's the aversion to the second-level horizontal fly-out? ... thanks for all the tips, the Vertical concertina slide menu is pretty close to what I want. .... I was just planning on just using raw html links. ... to the navigation items dependent upon their level in the "pages" section of Wolf?
BUT, on every other page, the sliding door menu refused to slide. ... What I did was go back to the Atahualpa Theme Options->Add HTML/CSS Inserts->HTML Inserts: Header, ... It all works - sliding menus, gallery plugin, the works. ... Negative margin for horizontal bars in header - good or bad?
I also see the Super Suckerfish Menu item in your template parameters. ... The menu is a fixed horizontal menu built into the template (i.e. it will always display ... Kupo Slide Show System · Power Kite Template · Fusion Lite Template · Sublime Template .... http://www.abi-nachholen.de/fernabitur-fernschule.html
I've figured out how to apply music to a slide and I'm sure there's ... Animation" from the contextual menu. Click "Effect Options", and then click ... one page of a PowerPoint show vertical and the next page horizontal?
The horizontal slide out menu wont work for my site. ... for such a thing to work purely vertically, at least for a menu with more than a moderate number of items. ... 2009/07/zen-cart-multi-level-category-slide-out.html