Recent Questions
Q: Hi, how write in russian text in dropdown menu generator?
A: If you are using a Russian system then everything should render correctly.
If you are using an English system with a Russian IME then you will
need to set the font in the Tuner to one that supports the characters you require.
Q: Is it possible for a javascript navigation barr item to have an associated "target"?
What I mean is I'd like to be able to open the page in a new window, so I'd need to specify the href as well as "target=_new" (in HTML anyway).
A: You can set target parameter for all items:
var itemTarget="_blank";
Where main - is the name of the main middle frame where you want to open the link.
or for each item individually:
["Home","testlink.html", "", "", "", "_blank", "", "", "", "", "", ],
Q: The property var showByClick=1; not work in popupMode=1; ??? Is it possible ???
A: Unfortunately it is really impossible to show submenu on click in popup mode.
Q: Your product seems to have menus draw only in a fixed 'hardcoded' direction ( opens either left or right )
is it possible to customize so that it is "self-aware" of the client browser window size...
"if there's room draw to the right, if not, open the menu to the left..."
A: You can see your submenus in any case.
They won't drop down out of the browser window.
Please, check it.
More info about the ways of showing submenus you can find here: