Recent Questions
Q: Is there a way to create a vertical menu in which the sub menus "fly out" to the left of the main menu?
A: Yes, it is possible.
To create vertical menu you should set
var isHorizontal=0;
Why of showing submenu you can set so:
var smViewType=2;
Q: We dont want to change the Target, Target will be always _self, but sometime the user would like to open links of easy drop down menu in a new window.
We just wnat to know if posible to do it.
A: I think that it is not possible to create such menu using Pop up menu.
But you can try to write your menuItems in the following way:
["|<a href=''>Parameters Info</a>","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
Right click on the "Product Info/Parameters Info" item.
But you should create correct style for <a> tag.
Q: I appreciated your prompt response. However, if I set the exact height for easy tabs content, certain tab's content will not show up fully. We need to have every tab has different height in this site. Do you know why IE 7 doesn't behavior properly but IE 6 does? Can you provide a work around for me ASAP?
A: In that case you should delete height parameter at all from yourstyles.
<div id="content1" style="visibility: hidden;" class="tabPage">
Q: I’m getting the error “dmObjectsCheck is undefined”. I have attached the HTML output of the page. Let me know what’s missing.
A: Please, check that you have dmenu_add.js file in the same folder withdmenu.js.
You can also send us your data.js file and we will check it.