Recent Questions
Q: Is it possible to have the "parent" item be purely an image but the dropdown portion of the menu being in regular text?
What we want to do is show emulate a basic text look for the main menu headings but the font is a special font so we have to use an image. When hovered over we'd like to replace the image (i.e do a rollover) with the same text but a different color.
A: Yes you can create such menu.
You should use images for the main items.
You should write your menu items in the following way:
["","", "images/vista1/btn_black.gif", "images/vista1/btn_black_blue.gif", , , , , , ],
["","", "images/vista1/btn_black.gif", "images/vista1/btn_black_blue.gif", , , , , , ],
Q: Drop down menus I have created with your product DHTML Tuner don't look too good in FireFox... is there something I can do different or do you have a newer/better solution that would work for both IE and FireFox?
A: And what exact problems do you have in Firefox? Actually Deluxe Menu works fine inFirefox. But notice that filters and transitional effect are supported by IE5.5.5+ only. I have a popup that in one of the submenus has an input field. There is a problem – if the user clicks into the entry field, but moves the mouse outside the java swing menu, the menu can close while the user is still typing. Is there any way to prevent that from happening?
A: You can make submenus to stay visible till you click outside the menu or scroll your page.To enable this feature you should set the following parameter:
var smHidePause=-1;
You can set this parameter to each submenu individually usingIndividual Submenu Styles.
Q: Where can I give the body of the javascript method which I use in cool dhtml menu?
A: You can define functions after menuItems, before you call dm_init();function.
var menuItems = [
["text", "javascript:your_function(...)", ...]
Where your_function(...):
function your_function(...)