Recent Questions
Q: I have just downloaded your trial version and am trying to use java menu maker using the windows xpstyle1 template. I can only seem to get the top button showing as grey but can change colors of submenus OK. Am I missing something or is this a restriction of the trial system i.e. how do I get the top button showing the same as submenu buttons
A: Trial version of java menu maker has full functionality of the licensed version.
To change submenu colors you should change the following parameters:
var menuBackColor="#F2F3F2";
var itemBackColor=["#F2F3F2","#535353"];
and Individual Submenu Style:
var menuStyles = [
For the top items you should change Individual Item style:
var itemStyles = [
Q: I like your product and we would like to use it for our web-site.
Our site uses Frames with the following names in the FrameSet:
frame name = “top”
frame name = “middle”
frame name = “bottom”
I don’t understand how to set the target of the Deluxe Tuner navigational link to populate the frame “middle” or “bottom”
When I try to input my own name it will not allow me to do so.
We are using the “top” (horizontal) frame as a header which will contain the navigational component we developed using your product.
We are using the “middle” frame to contain most of the html pages the user will load
We are using the “bottom” frame to contain auxiliary text
Can you help me?
A: More info about the installation of the menu in cross-frame mode youcan find here
You should replace dm_init() function with dm_initFrame() function.
Please, open your data.js file with the menu parameters in any texteditor and change it.
You should write, for example so:
dm_initFrame("frmSet", 1, 2, 0);
Q: I just downloaded the beta for IE8
And it looks like the java script menu code has a lot of issues with it. Are you guys going to be supporting IE8?
A: Yes, we're planning the full support for IE8 as well as for all major browsers.
All issues will be fixed with final version of IE8.
Q: I tried the new engine files and the submenus now show up in the bottom frame.
If the new page in the bottom frame is a frameset itself, the menus will not show up. Is there a work around for this?
A: Unfortunately, Deluxe Menu can work within 1 frameset only. It can't work within nested framesets.