Recent Questions
Q: I am using your Ajax menu and am generally delighted with it. Its ability to load sub menus on the fly is just what I have been looking for.
However, I have noticed in IE7 that it can leave sub menus displayed when you have moused off that particular ajax drop down menu. Can this be fixed?
Also, can you get the menu to disappear when you mouse off the menu, rather than having to hover over another menu or click the page off the menu.
A: See, now you've set the following parameter:
var smHidePause=-1;
It means that your submenus won't be hidden till you click or scroll your page.
If you want to hide your submenus on mouse out you should set another value, for example:
var smHidePause=1000;
var smHidePause=500;Q: Hello, you write, that your menu is search engine friendly.
But viewing the source of your samples, I don't see anything search engine friendly in there.
A Javascript is called, that's all, which I doublt could ever be Search Engine friendy?
The only thing I have seen as search engine friendly is the menu you have added at your own homepage.
Can this be set at your menue automatically?
Can you let me know, if the menu supports this kind. Your Features and Functions don't say anything about that either.
A: Deluxe Menu is a search engine friendly menu since v1.12.
To create a search engine friendly menu you should add additional html code within your html page:
<div id="dmlinks">
<a href="">menu_item_text1</a>
<a href=""&glt;menu_item_text2</a>
To generate such a code use Deluxe Tuner application.
You can find this GUI in the trial package.
Run Tuner, load your menu and click Tools/Generate SE-friendly Code (F3).
Q: I have used your Deluxe-menu on my websit. With the browser Opera I have problems with the dhtml scrolling menu item-color. If I select the menu at the first time, the item color is black. After select a menu item the menu item color is #f0e4cc, this is correct. After re-select the menu the item color is #f0e4cc also. After browser re-start the menu item color is black :-(
A: See it is not correctly to write colors in the following way (without # symbol):
var fontColor=["f0e4cc","f0e4cc"];
You should write:
var fontColor=["#f0e4cc","#f0e4cc"];
Your menu will work correctly in all browsers in that case.Q: I want to buy your product but before I have a question.
A Customer wishes for a strictly vertical drop down web menu.
Example :
Menu 1
Menu 2
Can you tell me if your product can answer this request?
A: Deluxe Menu is fly out menu.
You can create vertical menu with such structure but your submenuswill be shown when you hover over menu only.
You can try Deluxe Tree,