Recent Questions
Q: I have recenlty purchased Deluxe-Menu. I create the items through php. All works fine but the vista style javascript menu button do not display.
A: You should assign individual style for your top javascript menu buttons:
["ELECTRICAL","", "","","","","0","","","","",],
["GREEN PRODUCTS","", "","","","","0","","","","",],
["DIY","", "","","","","0","","","","",],
Q: No matter where I paste the dhtml rollover I created, it shows up at the top left corner of the page.
A: Try to use relative position
var absolutePos=0;
var posX="";
var posY="";
Q: I have tried changing every menu variable I can see to make the actual iconbackground a different color than the menu items background with no success.Is this possible?
I would like the icon background to change with the alternating colors byrow .. and I know how to do this. but when I do it .. all the menus andsubmenus also change and I would like their background to stay white.
A: Yes, it's possible.
You should use an individual style for icon item, please see
Q: We have a question and a problem.
This is a link to our website with your menue:
Down the navigation point "FAQґs" is a submenue like darm, diverses, einlagen etc....)
If you click on a link in this submenue a new window open _BLANK!
Is it possible to open the new site in a popup in dhtml drop down menu, like 800 x 600 or something?
A: You should paste the following code inside 'Link' field of menuItems (you can do it inDeluxe Tuner):'','_blank','height=600,width=800, status=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no');