Recent Questions
Q: I want that the font of an selected menupoint for the horizontal tree view is bold and red.
What is the variable to define that?
A: Try to use the following parameter:
var tpressedFontColor = "#AA0000";
// Color of a text of selected items. Used when var ttoggleMode = 1.
Date: 10.21.2005
Q: I am a web developer and evaluating your product using the Trial Version. I created navigation bar for our website.
It is displaying fine (centered) when using Internet Explorer 7.0. When I access the same website using FireFox Browser, the java drop down menu code aligns on the left.
A: It is not correct to write
you should write
You should set the following menu parameters:
var absolutePos=0;
var posX="0px";
var posY="0px";
Q: When doing a multi-frame frameset (1 top frame, 2 bottom frames) like this:
<frameset ID="frames" ONLOAD="getBottom()" ROWS="50, *" BORDER="0" FRAMEBORDER="no" FRAMESPACING="0">
    <frameset ID="bottomFrames" cols="171,*">
     <frame name="frmLeft" src="left.htm" MARGINHEIGHT=0 MARGINWIDTH=0 SCROLLING=NO NORESIZE FRAMEBORDER="0"/>
And using the dm_frameinit like this:
dm_initFrame("[object]", 0, 2, 0);
it works fine in IE -> the menus are displayed exactly under the text and in the bottom right frame.
However, in Firefox, the menu drop down is displayed to the right of the top menu text, and exactly the number of pixels as the width of the left frame.
Perhaps there needs to be some FireFox checking to fix this?
Can you help me with that?
A: The problem is in a structure of your frameset.
Mozilla browsers can't determine absolute coordinates for a frame, sosubmenus drop down with an offset.
You should create the following frameset structure:
   | menu
   | submenus
Now a top row has 2 columns and all browsers can determine awidth of the 1st column in the second row.
Q: Is there a javascript function that I can call that will return the ID or the Text value of the currently checked tab?
A: Unfortunately there is no such a function now.
There are such variables.
dtabs_tabs[menuN].b1 - dtabs_tabs[menuN].selectedItem
dtabs_tabs[menuN].JT0 - dtabs_tabs[menuN].selectedSmItem
But they contain the index of the selected menu item, not the ID.