Recent Questions
Q: You have a great, and very intuitive and easy to learn, product.
I'm down to two dumb questions:
A. What controls the little red arrows? I'd like them on every one of the navigators.
B. How do I create equal space between the drop down menu items? It looks weird right now.
A: 1) If your top item has a submenu this arrow will appear automatically.
For the items without submenus you may write:
["Home <img src='skin_data.files/arrowmain11.gif'>","index.html", "", "", "", "_self", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["About Us <img src='skin_data.files/arrowmain11.gif'>","about_us.html", "", "", "", "_self", "", "", "", "", "", ],
You can find arrowmain11.gif image in the attached example.
Actually you can add any html code inside item's text.
2) Set the drop down menu padding:
var itemPadding="3px 15px 3px 3px";
Q: I keep getting this javascript error: "smMovable is undefined" in my javascript rightclick menu.
I am using the development version no source code. I only get the error when adding sub menu items. When it only has the top level menu items everything works fine. I have attached the script, which the portion I generate works fine when I open it using the deluxe tuner application. I am generating the menu from .Net.
I am also attaching the generated html file.
Any help with this would be appreciated. do I add padding around a top menu item?
A: Now you have the following parameters:
var moveImage=";
var transOptions=";
It is not correct. You should write:
var moveImage='';
var transOptions='';
Q: I now have a tree on the left and an embedded frame on the right. When a user clicks a node, the corresponding html page appears in the frame.
Is there a method I can use when a user clicks a node, the web page will jump to a certain location in the page (menu dhtml hhyperlink)? I'm envisioning using one long web page instead of 30 or 40 separate pages. But I would need the program to work with a hyperlink to know where to jump to.
A: See the structure of tmenuItems array:
var tmenuItems = [
[text, link, iconNormal, iconOver, iconExpanded, tip, target, itemStyleInd, itemXPStyleInd, jsFilename],
You can set link and target menu dhtml parameters for each item individually,for example:
var tmenuItems = [
You can also send us the example, so we can understand your problem.
Q: I cannot see my menu in IE7. Please, help!
A: Try to set exact value for the menu width
var menuWidth="700px";
Try that.