Recent Questions
Q: I was trying to work out how to set the target for a link in html tab menu
A: No,unfortunately it is not possible in Deluxe Tabs now.
But you can write your links in the following way:
["Item 1","'','_blank','height=600,width=800,status=yes,toolbar=no,
menubar=no,location=no');", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["Item 2","'','_self');", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
Q: Is there a javascript function I can call to switch from one tab to the next in the javascript jump menu?
A: You can use the following function:
menuInd - index of the javascript jump menu on your page (>= 0)
itemInd - index of the item you want to open (>= 0)
Q: Is it correct that in vertical collapse menu you can specify your target as a different frame?
A: Yes, you can specify frame name as the target in Deluxe Tree:
var titemTarget="frame";Q: Does this cross browser menu support only english menus or I can make an english and russian menus as well with deluxe menu multiple license?
A: Actually you can use any language in the cross browser menu.
Check that you've set "Tools/Use utf8 encode" in Deluxe Tuner.