Recent Questions
Q: I'm currently experimenting with your script which I far more performant than any of the other I have tried so far, so we will probably go with yours and get a distributer license.
I do have a problem though...
I have two menus on my site.
Unfortunately, as they are being used, if you go over the first item in the left menu, it will show its submenu at the top; if you go over the first item of the top menu, it will also show the contents of the second menu...
How can we change this?
A: Installation of your menu is not correct.
See more info about installation here:
There is no
<script type="text/javascript"> var dmWorkPath = "menudir/";</script>
parameter on your page.
Notice also that you should call dmenu.js file only once and then callyour data files.
Now you have two calls of dmenu.js file.
Q: I have created aKaspersky menu, but the links don't work.
A: See, you can use links if you have
var tabMode=1;
If you have
var tabMode=0;
You should use the ID of the DIV.
But you can try to open your pages using different targets in thefollowing way
["tab text", "javascript:'test.html', 'frameName')", ...],
["tab text", "javascript:'test.html', '_self')", ...],
["tab text", "javascript:'test.html', '_blank')", ...],
Where frameName - the name of the frame where to open the page test.html.
Using this method you can create Deluxe Tabs in var tabMode=0; and var tabMode=1;
Q: Only in XP Styles for dhtml vertical menus I can set the "movable menu" on ?!
When I save to teste this feature doesn't work !!!
A: You can use movable feature in the var tXPStyle=0;too.
But to use floatable or movable feature you should use absolute position forthe menu:
var tabsolute=1;
var tleft="20px";
var ttop="40px";
Q: I am trying to figure out how to make multiple clickable link popup windows on the same page.
A: You can do it in two ways:
1) Call different data files with DIFFERENT winID:"window1"!
2) Call only one data file and use function to open your windows:
<a href="javascript:;" onclick="'window1', 'Content1 Content1', 'Window1',
'windowsvista_graphite')">Click Here to see a chase1 sample</a>
See more info: