Recent Questions
Q: I find your tools very interesting, yet I've serched but found no answer... is there a version of your program for mac?
I don't trsut windows at all, so i don't have ever think about using bootcamp to load windows on my mac, so i repeat my question, is there or will be a version of deluxe menu to work on mac systems?
A: HTML version of Deluxe Tuner (MAC version) can be downloaded
See more info:
Download trial version on MAC
Q: Some menu entries may be disabled and clicking on them should produce predefined javascript alert message?
A: To create disabled items you should set "_" symbol in the targetparameter of the menuItems.
If the target is "_" the item is disabled.
You can assign a font color for all disabled items using the following menu parameter:
var fontColorDisabled = "#AAAAAA";
You can write a javascript code instead of an item link:
["item text", "javascript:alert('Hello World')", , , ,"_",]
That's all.
Q: Can you please guide me how can i use the ajax functionality for tree view navigation..
A: To enable AJAX Tree Menu use the following menu parameters:
var tajax=1; // enables AJAX technology support
Each .js file must contain menuItems variable for the submenu in the following format:
var tmenuItems = [
[text, link, icon1, icon2, icon2, tip, target, itemStyle, submenuStyle, jsFileName],
Where jsFileName - .js filename on the server that contains tmenuItems variable for the submenu.
More info you'll find here: Can I have the pop-out menus in the floating navigation bar go left instead of right.
A: You should use the following parameter (Deluxe Tuner->Positioning):
var subMenuAlign="left";