Alexander Endresen Css by
Alexander Endresen Css

Menu Screenshots

Alexander Endresen Css Javascript Expand Menu Different Icons


High Performance
  • AJAX menu loading - loads web menu data from the server "on-the-fly".
  • Commonly loads quicker than other html page elements
  • UL/LI items structure
  • Runs well with an unlimited number of submenus and items
Unrivalled Features
  • Scrollable, dragable, floating, right-click menus
  • Keyboard navigation - press Ctrl+F2 to enter the menu
  • Unique Java Script API for altering menu "on-the-fly", without page reloading
  • AJAX technology - loads menu data from the server "on-fly and on-demand".
  • Search feature - add the search area in the menu and type symbols. The found words will be higlighted.
  • Sound support!
Java Drop Down Alexander Endresen Css
Cost Effective
Seamless Integration
  • Cross-frame support - menus work on frameset-based pages
  • Visible over flash, select boxes, iframes, java applets
  • Multiple menus on the same page
  • Amicable to other scripts and css styles
  • Any HTML code can be used inside menu items
Easy Setup
  • De Luxe Tuner. GUI interface to create your alexander endresen css menus easily and in no time
  • Sensible menu parameters for manual editing

2.0 Buttons by v3.0.0

Javascript Menu. DHTML Menu.

  • Use a mouse to move a menu as a usual window. Also you can create the menu where each submenu can be "separated" from the menu (MS Office toolbar-like mode).
  • When the page is scrolled the menu remains visible. The menu can "float" along one or two coordinate axes.
  • There can be multilevel menus - create as many rows of the menu as necessary. Any submenu in its turn can include different number of columns.

Recent Questions

Q: I have tested and tested but can't find out how I can add the following, as a link in drop down navigation bar. Can you please help?" rel="shadowbox;height=450;width=780"

A: You should add <a> tag into the text field in that case:

["<a href="" rel="shadowbox;height=450;width=780">test</a>","",""]

But you should specify a styles for this link also.

Q: I am trying to figure out how to specify the css for the top css dropdown menu.

I saw this in some of the example code, but there was nothing similar in Deluxe Tuner

  var itemStyles = [

["CSS=topItemNormal,topItemOver","CSSText=topItemTextNormal,topItemTextOver" ],
  var menuStyles = [

I tried adding the above to my js code, but it didn't work. I can get it to work in non-css through Deluxe Tuner.

I am trying to draw a white border around the blue css dropdown menu

border-width: 1px;
border-style: solid;
border-color: White;

/* Style for submenus */

/* Style for top items: normal state */
text-decoration: none;
FONT-SIZE: 11pt;
FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial;
padding:2px 4px;

A:   var itemStyles = [

  var menuStyles = [

The following code is Individual Styles. You can edit them in DeluxeTuner.

Open your data file, click "Edit Individual Styles..." button on themain window. And create individual item style and individual submenustyle. Then you should assign these styles to your items.

See more info about Individual Styles here:

Q: Hello. I had a question about the vista templates. Is it possible to extend the width on the java menu buttons to get more text in them? I put to much text and the button is repeating itself. Is there a way to extend the width of the button without the repeat?

A: See images in Vista Templates have the fixed width and height (92 x 21).

You can try to use the following parameter to use combinedbackground for your items, for example:

  var beforeItemImage = [,]; //left-side image for normal and mouse over state
  var itemBackImage = [,]; //background or image for normal and mouse over state
  var afterItemImage = [,]; //right-side image for normal and mouse over state
  var beforeItemImageW = '';
  var afterItemImageW = '';
  var beforeItemImageH = '';
  var afterItemImageH ='';

But you should create a small images in any Graph Editor, for example:

Q: I want to set links in a text, which opens html pop up window and not to open the Window on start.

A: You can specify the ID of the element you want to click on.
Actions sections in Deluxe Tuner, onClick parameter.

1) You can show the popup window when you hover, click or mouseout on some elements on yourpage.
For example you have:

<p><img border="0" src="images/submenu-bg.gif" width="170" height="29" id="open_popup"></p>

So, in Deluxe Tuner you should enter 'open_popup' object ID in the onMouseOver,onClick or onMouseOut fields.

Actually you can assign id to any object on your page:
add id="open_popup" for <a>, <div>, <img> ... tags.

2) You can also use function to open the popups.

More info about function you can find:

function"winID", "content", "header", "param", "skin", "contentType")

Use another winID (first parameter) than you have in your data file
if you don't want to close 1-st popup window or use thesame winID=win if you want to close 1-st popup.

content - will be the path to the file you want to load in your popup (files/test.html)
skin - is the name of your skin (default in my example)
contentType - set this parameter to iframe.