Recent Questions
Q: In Firefox, the menu bar css is hidden behind Flash player. Anyway to fix this?
A: See fix for flash in Firefox here:
Q: Do you have an extremely simple example of modifying a menu with the JavaScript API? I've played with the example on the site, but I have trouble removing the other menus without breaking it.
I just want to use the API to change the icon on the menu items.
A: You should use the following function:
function dm_ext_changeItem (menuInd, submenuInd, itemInd, iParams)
<script language="javascript" >
dm_ext_changeItem(0, 0, 1, ["", "", "new_icon.gif", "new_icon_o.gif", "",,""]);
Q: I am testing the menu under the 2nd URL however I am just receiving a blank page Why would the menu be totally blank ...not even incorrect key or trial version warnings. Does Deluxe menu need ASP installed on the server.
A: You should call dmWorkPath parameter before you call dmenu.js file.
Check also that this parameter point to the same directory withdmenu.js file. So, you should install the menu in the following way:
<noscript><a href=>JavaScript Menu by</a> </noscript>
<script type="text/javascript"> var dmWorkPath = "/";</script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2" src="dmenu.js"></script>
Check it.
Q: We purchased your software and would like a way to give our users the ability to right click (or equivalent) and open a link in to a new window.
Is there a way to do this? If not, do you have a work around that people have found helpful.
As an example, I have a menu item that goes to Typically, it loads this in to one of our frames. However, I would like the end user to have the ability to either load it in to one of our existing frames or to load it in its own window.
A: You can try to write the following code for your items:
["<a href='index.html' target='_blank' class='home'>Home</a>","", "", "", "", "Return to Index page", "", "0", "", ],
And create styles
color: #FFFFFF;}
color: #FFBEBE;}