Recent Questions
Q: We are looking at JavaScript libraries for our website, and we liked what we saw with your product deluxe-tabs. However, we have a need for both horizontal and vertical tabs, as well as nesting tabs. We would like the vertical (and nested tabs) to have the same capabilities and features as the horizontal tabs. We notive the vertical tab image example, but that was all we could find. Are there more extensive examples that show the same functionality as the horizontal tabs? Is the product, as is, capable of the same functionality for both vertical and horizontal tabs?
A: See, to create vertical tabs you should add '$' symbol before the itemtext in the first item of the next row.
You can use templates, add '$' symbol and adjust some parameters.
Q: Is there an option for word wrap for dreamweaver drop down menu?
A: To wrap your text you can use the following parameter:
var tnoWrap=0;
You can also use standard <br> tags.
["|Text Text Text Text <br> Text","testlink.htm", "default.files/icon1_s.gif", "default.files/icon1_so.gif", "", "Home Page Tip", "", "", "", ],
Q: Can I expand a dynamic tree menu from a link in my html page?
A: Yes, it's possible, please see
function dtreet_ext_expandItem (itemID, expand)
function dtreet_ext_getItemIDByIndex (menuInd, itemInd)
Q: I'm facing a problem with "movable menue":
I'd like to use template "data-image-based-1.js" - everytime I try to change it into a movable one, the javascript menu system just blockes and that's it. where do I have to change a setting in order to be able to use this fantastic menue as a movable one?
A: You should set absolute position for the menu when you use movable orfloatable feature:
var absolutePos=1;
var posX="100px";
var posY="100px";