Recent Questions
Q: Submenus of my javascript dynamic menu are opening higher than they should and I cannot figure out why the position setting has no effect.
A: Try to set the following parameter:
var subMenuVAlign="top";
Q: We’ve recently purchased your java dynamic menu. How can we put a border around the menu, but not the title? It doesn’t appear to be an easy way to do this using the javascript data file.
A: To set border around the whole menu you should set the followingparameters:
var menuBorderColor="#C0AF62";
var menuBorderWidth=1;
Use Deluxe Tuner to create your menu.
Q: After creating and using a menu, is it possible to insert/change the position of a menu item?
For instance, I am using years in a submenu and the current year always needs to be at the top.
Is this possible with drag and drop or by some other means in the Tuner v2?
A: Yes you can do it.
You can find all info in our Help.
Please, see the text below:
To select a group of items you can use Shift and Ctrl keys.
To rename an item click on it and hold a mouse cursor for a second. Or use item parameters window.
To move items select items you want and use a mouse drag'n'drop method.
To copy items select those you want and use a mouse drag'n'drop method holding a Ctrl key.Also you can use a contextual menu - a right mouse click on the list of items.
Q: We have a question from one of our clients,
"Is it possible that the open menu items are closed when another menu item with submenu 's is chosen."
A: Yes, it is possible.
You should set the following parameter:
var tcloseExpandedXP=1;