Recent Questions
Q: Is it possible to make the javascript menu buttons and the text bigger? Or at least the text larger?
Right now the text is so small that they actually look a little blurry.
The only font I can increase is the font on the dropdown menus. but I cant change the font that appear on the actual tabs. If I could increase the font on them that would be great.
A: You should change font in Individual styles.
var itemStyles = [
["itemWidth=92px","itemHeight=21px","itemBackImage=,","itemBorderWidth=0", "fontStyle='normal 14px Arial','normal 14px Arial'","fontColor=#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF"],
Q: Ich habe ein Problem mit submenus. Es erscheint, dass es eine Grenze auf der Breite eines submenu Punkt undals ein concequence gibt, wenn Sie den Punkt herumdrehen, zwingt es den Kasten, nach rechts zu rollen. Gibt eseine Kappe auf der Breite von submenu Punkten? Ich kann nicht scheinen, diese Ausgabe aufzuheben.
Es geschieht, wenn ich sowohl CSS als auch die Standardaufstellung auf dem Menü benutze.
A: Sie sollen die Folgenden Parameter setzen:
var smWidth="";
var smSmartScroll=1;
>Kehren Sie zu Neuen Fragen zurückQ: I want to buy your product today, but have a few questions:
How do I change the font style for java menu templates to 9pt Verdana bold, but leave the sub-menus 9pt Verdana normal? I understand there’s a "fontStyle" variable, but is there an "itemfontStyle"? How do I make the left hand padding greater for the menu? I’m using the XP Style 1 and the far left top menu item is running up against my left hand border. I want to add about 10px of spacing to the left of the menu. How do I make the options in a menu have equal spacing? For instance, if there are 5 items in the menu, how can each have 100% / 5?
A: You can use Individual Item styles to set specific parameters for eachitem or submenu.
var fontStyle=["normal 9pt Verdana","normal 9pt Verdana"]; //for subitems
//style for the top items
var itemStyles = [
["itemHeight=21px","itemBackColor=#F2F3F2,#1665CB","fontStyle='bold 9pt Verdana','bold 9pt Verdana'"],
2., 4. You should specify itemPadding parameter in "px". You shouldadd "px" in your style for subitems:
var menuStyles = [
Notice also that you can set multiple value for itemPadding parameter,for example:
itemPadding=4px 10px 4px 10px
top right bottom left
4. You should set the exact width for the java menu templates:
var menuWidth="500px";
and set width for the top items using Individual styles:
["itemWidth=100px","itemHeight=21px","itemBackColor=#F2F3F2,#1665CB","fontStyle='bold 9pt Verdana','bold 9pt Verdana'"],
Unfortunately it is not possible to specify item's width in '%' inIndividual styles. The following width parameters won't work.
var menuWidth="100%";
["itemWidth=20%","itemHeight=21px","itemBackColor=#F2F3F2,#1665CB","fontStyle='bold 9pt Verdana','bold 9pt Verdana'"],
Q: Is it possible to make on top of the css tree menu 2 extra buttons:
* Expand all
* Collapse all
Which command do I use???
A: Tree Menu doesn't have such a feature now.
You can write your own function based on the following API functions:
function dtreet_ext_showItem (itemID, visibility)
function dtreet_ext_expandItem (itemID, expand)