Recent Questions
Q: A question: How do I make it show all the drop down dhtml menu items rather than having them pop up?
- Item 1
- sub item 1
- sub item 2
- sub item 3
A: You cannot expand items by default in Deluxe Menu. You should hoverover menu to open submenus.
You can do it using Deluxe Tree.
To expand specific items in Deluxe Tree you should add + sign beforeitem's text or set the following parameter to expand all drop down dhtml items bydefault:
var texpanded = 1;
Q: How do you get the menu items in the transparent drop down menu to change to the hand like it's a hyperlink?
A: Set the following parameter in your data.js file:
var itemCursor="pointer";
Q: Though, once I click on a link, the page will load properlyin the correct frame, but the next time I hover over that dhtml menu link again, I get a Permission Denied error.
A: It is possible that your links are incorrect.
If you open links situated in the different folders on your serveryou'll get error.
You can try to use absolute paths for your dhtml menu links:
var pathPrefix_link="";
You can also send us a copy of your html page (including .js files) ora direct link to your website, so we can check it.
Q: What an incredible menu!! I have never seen anything like it.Would it be possible to create a version of the dhtml menu that displays items one level down from the top menu in a 6x4 cell layout (effectively a rectangle) rather than vertically? If so, how much would the customization cost?
A: Yes, you can place the menu to the any part of your html code.Please contact support (at) for the customization rates.