Recent Questions
Q: I appreciated your prompt response. However, if I set the exact height for easy tabs content, certain tab's content will not show up fully. We need to have every tab has different height in this site. Do you know why IE 7 doesn't behavior properly but IE 6 does? Can you provide a work around for me ASAP?
A: In that case you should delete height parameter at all from yourstyles.
<div id="content1" style="visibility: hidden;" class="tabPage">Q: We had to activate the tcloseExpandedXP to 1.
So far, that is OK. But as soon as we do so, The main menu-titles are aligning to the LEFT side! We could not get them to align to right as needed.
Any idea how this could be fixed?
A: You can try blank images before the top-menu items.
["<img src='blank.gif' width=84 height=12>Text","", , , , , , , , , , ],
["|Text","general/forms/form01.php?c2=80&c3=250&fa=1", , , , , "fmain", "5", , , , ],
["|Text","general/forms/form01.php?c2=80&c3=0&fa=6", , , , , "fmain", "5", , , , ],
["|Text","general/forms/form01.php?c2=80&c3=0&fa=2", , , , , "fmain", "5", , , , ],
["|Text","", , , , , , "5", , , , ],
["<img src='blank.gif' width=44 height=12>Text1","", , , , , , , , , , ],
Q: I still am having no luck with Firefox showing an Incorrect Copyright nag (Again, just Firefox for Mac; no problem with other browsers.)
Also, I am still requiring a long delay to keep the pop-up window open from loading as the page loads. Script reads:
deluxePopupWindow.attachToEvent(win,'openAfter=,,onClick=Image2,,,') }, 'load')
A: Delete 'openAfter=' at all from deluxePopupWindow.attachToEventfunction (in all files):
In that case popup windows won't show till you click on the images.
You should write NOSCRIPT tag in the following way:
<noscript><a href="">menu drop down by</a></noscript>
I've just checked it. There is no nag message in Firefox in that case.But notice that you won't have nag message on your website only. On alocal machine you'll have nag message.
Q: Is it possible to open the dhtml tree to a particular state when a link is chosen from elsewhere in the site (not from a menu link)?
A: function dtreet_ext_expandItem (itemID, expand)
Expands/collapses a specified item or a submenu.
itemID - ID property of an item. expand - 0 - expand the item, 1 - show the item.
For example place to your HTML code
For details please see