Recent Questions
Q: My names Erick and I'm using your Delux Menu and wold like to know how to change the dhtml hover menu back ground color from the teal color to a gray and am not having any luck locating this option. Please advise.
A: Try to use the following dhtml hover menu parameters:
var menuBackColor="#C0C0C0";
var itemBackColor=["#C0C0C0","#65BDDC"];
You can also check Individual Styles. It is possible that you setbackground color there.
Q: I downloaded the trial version and gave it a run.
I cannot get thebackground color of the menu to change – it this a limitation of the trail version or a bug?
A: No, it is not the limitation.
Please, set these parameters:
var menuBackColor="#000000";
var menuBorderColor="#000000";
var itemBackColor=["#000000","#000000"];
var itemBorderColor=["#000000","#000000"];
Q: You know how you can drag sub-menus? Well I was wondering if it is possible to drag individual items off of the sub-menu?
A: No, it is not possible to drag items from submenu.
Q: I have a Deluxe Tree Menu working on a website. What I want is that the javascript dhtml tree remembers which item was open when there is a click on an item.
I found on your website that this is possible with: var tsaveState = 1;
But when I want to use this option I need to include dtree_ss.js in the html page. I can not find this file in the zip file I downloaded.
Can you help me with this file or tell me where I can find it?
A: See dtree_ss.js file was in the first versions of Deluxe Tree. We don't have such filenow. We haven't updated info on your website on the following page yet
You should use dtree.js file only.