Recent Questions
Q: I am just starting to work with deluxe menu for a site that I am developing. I will soon be going through the purchase of a license but have not yet reached that point.
At the moment though, as I build the framework for the site locally on my computer, I notice that the menu behave a looks differently in IE 6 and Firefox (I am focusing on a CSS base menu). Is this something that will be worked out once I have purchased the licensing key or is there something else that I am missing?
A: Deluxe Menu works fine in all browsers.
Try to set exact width for the menu width and menu height, try to specify unitsin "px":
var menuWidth="500px";
It's necessary to specify exact value for Mozilla browsers. It helpsto position menus correctly.
var menuHeight="20px";
You should also check your padding parameter, you should write it so:
var itemPadding="1px 1px 1px 12px";
You can also send us a copy of your html page (including .js files) ora direct link to your website, so we can check it.
Q: I contact you because this morning we have bought a single license of your deluxe tree menu for our web site All features of tree menu work good when I try it on local computer.
When I send the files on web site there is the problem that we must work on different directory : the script must be saved in a directory and the html page with menu inside is installed in another directory.
We can't save the script inside the directory of html pages because there are a lot of pages that call the tree menu, in different levels of path.
In the header of html page I have write the absolute path of script ( ) and I have called the source of script with all absolute path.
The problem is that the tree javascript moving menu is visible, the function are OK ( expand and collapse are OK ) but the tree don't have the images !
I presume that the problem is the different directory of script and html page ?
What can we do ?
A: You can try to use absolute path to your images. To do it you shouldset the following javascript moving menu parameter:
var tpathPrefix_img="";
You can also send us a direct link to your website, so we can check it.
Q: We're running deluxe_tree version 1.0. We are getting the following error:
_tsw is not defined
[Break on this error],te){return this.substring(tss,te)};String.proto...
dtree.js (line 14)
Any ideas? Should we upgrade to the latest version? If so, what it the upgrade path for us? Will we have to modify our data-tree.js file?
A: Yes, try to use Deluxe Tree v2.4.
See in Deluxe tree you should specify correct tWorkPath parameter:
<script type="text/javascript"> var tWorkPath="menudir/";</script> otn=tx/tl hre=T-"/ mt ae"ecito"cnet"nac orwbiewt it utn n e c
This parameter should point to the same folder with dtree.js file.When you use movable or floatable feature you should copy dtree_add.jsfile in the same folder with dtree.js file.
Q: Is it possible to make on top of the css tree menu 2 extra buttons:
* Expand all
* Collapse all
Which command do I use???
A: Tree Menu doesn't have such a feature now.
You can write your own function based on the following API functions:
function dtreet_ext_showItem (itemID, visibility)
function dtreet_ext_expandItem (itemID, expand)