Recent Questions
Q: I wanted to ask a question about your software, we just purchased the multi license for Deluxe flash dropdown menu. We were trying in many ways to control the width between the words
We were trying to control the width between Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia, Oceania, Africa
We wanted to set the width as 16% to make them all equal with a 100% width flash dropdown menu but it did not work out for us. We tried to do it with creating an Individual style in the Item Style for all the top links. Can you please advise how are we supposed to achieve that?
A: Unfortunately it is not possible to set now:
var menuWidth="100%";
var itemStyles = [
To set the exact width for all flash dropdown menu items you should set width in 'px'.
var menuWidth="798px";
var itemStyles = [
Q: The window pops up every time I load the screen.
I want dhtml pop up window to pop when someone clicks.
A: You can specify the ID of the element you want to click on.
Actions sections in Deluxe Tuner, onClick parameter.
1) You can show the popup window when you hover, click or mouseout on some elements on yourpage. For example you have:
<p><img border="0" src="images/submenu-bg.gif" width="170" height="29" id="open_popup"></p>
So, in Deluxe Tuner you should enter 'open_popup' object ID in the onMouseOver,
onClick or onMouseOut fields.
Actually you can assign id to any object on your page:
add id="open_popup" for <a>, <div>, <img> ... tags.
2) You can also use function to open the popups.
More info about function you can find:
function"winID", "content", "header", "param", "skin", "contentType")
Use another winID (first parameter) than you have in your data file if you don't want to close 1-st popup window or use thesame winID=win if you want to close 1-st popup.
content - will be the path to the file you want to load in your popup (files/test.html)
skin - is the name of your skin (default in my example)
contentType - set this parameter to iframe.
If you want to open several windows at once use different id's for each link.
Q: I am generating a conference website which I though will be out as soon as possible but you javascript menu generator has become impossible to insert in my page, here attached in a sample page, it is basic html, so tell me where am going wrong.
Or otherwise insert it for me.
A: Now you have:
<style type="text/css">
<!-- Deluxe Menu -->
<noscript><a href="">Javascript Menu by</a></noscript>
<script type="text/javascript"> var dmWorkPath = "data.files/";</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="data.files/dmenu.js"></script>
<!-- (c) 2007, by -->
It is not correct.
You should write:
<style type="text/css">
<!-- Deluxe Menu -->
<noscript><a href="">Javascript Menu by</a></noscript>
<script type="text/javascript"> var dmWorkPath = "data.files/";</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="data.files/dmenu.js"></script>
<!-- (c) 2007, by -->
Q: I have downloaded the trial version of the tree menu to use it to create our products list that will be distributed on a CD. We have decided to buy it but we are confused which license we should buy!
Which license we should buy?
A: To use Deluxe Tree on CD/DVD you should buy developer license.
Other licenses allow you to use the menu on Internet / Intranetwebsites only.
With the Developer license you can use the menu on an unlimited number ofInternet or Intranet sites and on the local machines.
This version of the script doesn't check keys and it isn't bound to adomain name, so it can be used with an application that doesn't have afixed domain name. There is also no need to add <noscript> tag to eachpage.
See in Single Website License, Multiple Website License and DeveloperLicense our source code is obfuscated.
And in Developer License with Javascript Source Code you can see thecode and change it. This is unique difference between Developerlicense and Developer license with source code.