Recent Questions
Q: Will all your navigation bar examples work cross-frame?
A: See how should you create cross frame menu:
1. To initialize the cross frame menu call dm_initFrame()
function instead of standard dm_init() function within data.js file:
dm_initFrame(framesetID, mainFrameInd, subFrameInd, orientation);
framesetID - id attribute of the frameset;
mainFrameInd - index of the main frame (where the top-menu is placed), >=0;
subFrameInd - index of the subframe (where the submenus will be shown), >=0;
orientation - frame orientaion: 0 - top-to-bottom, 1 - left-to-right; 2 - bottom-to-top; 3 - right-to-left.
So you should create your menu in Deluxe Tuner, save it.
Create html file with your frame set.
Set ID for the first frameset:
<FRAMESET id=frmSet rows=220,*>
<FRAME id=frame1 src="Deluxe Menu Samples_files/cross-frame-horizontal-1.htm"> //menu frame
<FRAME id=frame2 name=frame2 src="Deluxe Menu Samples_files/testlink.htm"> //content frame
Then you should open your data file in any text editor and change
dm_init(); for example to dm_initFrame("frmSet", 0, 1, 0);
You'll find more info here:
Q: Could I apply these javascript menu buttons to my Microsoft Expression Web page?
A: Deluxe Menu wasn't developed as Dreamweaver/Frontpage/Microsoft Expression Web extension,
BUT you can use it as standard Javascript files.
To install the menuinto your html page:
1. open the page in your program
2. open html source code of the page
3. add several rows of code (<script> tags).
For info see:
That's all.
To create and configure your menus use Deluxe Tuner application(included into the trial package): I'm trying to display the submenus to the left of the menu. I searched your questions and found one that said to use the following:
var smViewType=2;
I added this but it didn't do anything.
A: Try to use this parameter:
var subMenuAlign = "left"; Q: Deluxe Tunes says:- “Use "File/Export to HTML" to see how to write the code within html page.”
If I use this the generate the code it places the
But if I look at your website code it looks as if it should be placed within the <Body> </body> tags
Can you confirm where this should be placed? As we are seeing the dmlinks before the page is displayed.
A: You should paste search engine friendly code into the <body> tag.