Recent Questions
Q: Is there any way of asigning the background color of the submenu (I onlyneed one level of nesting menus) different from the background color of thedhtml rollover?
A: Create Individual Submenu Style and assign it for the first item in that case:
var menuBackColor="#d1d1d1";
var menuStyles = [
["mбs info","","","","","","0","0","","","",],
Q: Hello, I am using your tabs product inside an ASP.NET AJAX update Panel. The problem is, after an async postback occurs, the php dhtml menu tabs no longer show. Do I need to make user a specific function is called/registered??? Please help.
A: Try to call your data files (files with php dhtml menu parameters) once again after each request.
Q: Hello, I’ve set my menus up so that they are positioned on my page within a container div (not using the positioning built into the menu script).
I am also trying to use the autoscroll feature as some of the submenus are quite long. The autoscroll doesn’t seem to work with the css positioning though.
I also tried to size the submenus to force them small and thus to scroll with no luck.
The scrolling works fine when I pull the menus out of the container div and just place them in the flow of the page.
Am I doing something wrong or are these two features incompatible with each other.
A: Unfortunately, it is really so. Submenu scrolling doesn't work with css. We'll try to fix it in the future versions.
You can try to use multicolomn submenus.
Q: No matter where I place the code, the html free menu always appears in the top left of the page,
I need it elsewhere obviously but it simply won't move.
A: You're using absolute position for the menu now.
You should use relative position in that case.
Change the following parameters:
var absolutePos=0;
var posX="0px";
var posY="0px";