Recent Questions
Q: Hi there ... a while ago I had asked you what I need to change to prevent exit pops from being activated, but I don't think it's working.
For example, a regular link that I want:
How do I do it with dhtml vertical menu?
Before, in the "text" box in the "Item Parameters" window, you had me do the following:
<span onClick='exit=false;'>click here</span>
But that doesn't seem to work. Any other suggestions? Thanks very much.
A: I suppose that you should move menuItems from the data file to yourhtml page directly (where you define exit variable).
menuItenms = [
Q: I have a Deluxe Tree Menu working on a website. What I want is that the javascript dhtml tree remembers which item was open when there is a click on an item.
I found on your website that this is possible with: var tsaveState = 1;
But when I want to use this option I need to include dtree_ss.js in the html page. I can not find this file in the zip file I downloaded.
Can you help me with this file or tell me where I can find it?
A: See dtree_ss.js file was in the first versions of Deluxe Tree. We don't have such filenow. We haven't updated info on your website on the following page yet
You should use dtree.js file only.Q: Is there a different type of menu, other than the way I have it set up, such as the tree type, that might load faster or take up less space when the page loads?
A: You should set
var dmAJAX=1;
create .js files with your submenus and call this files from your mainfile, for example:
var menuItems = [
["Product Info","", , , , , , , "data-samples/data-ajax2.js", ],
["Samples","", , , , , , , "data-samples/data-ajax3.js", ],
["Contact Us","testlink.htm"],
/*** data-ajax2.js ****/
var menuItems = [
["Parameters Info","testlink.htm"],
["Dynamic Functions","testlink.htm"],
["Supported Browsers",""],
Add dmenu_ajax.js file in the same folder with your dmenu.js file.
Try that.
Q: With: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
The content of my tabs menu doesn't show in IE.
A: Delete "height: 0%;" parameter from the style of the content DIV:
<DIV class=tabPage id=content4 style="VISIBILITY: hidden;">