Recent Questions
Q: What I meant was that there is an API function dm_ext_changeItem that allows you to specify 8 dropdown menu parameters in an array. What if I only want to change one of them like the link for example? What do I specify in my function call to leave the other 7 parameters unchanged? Do I specify the existing values? Or, can I just put in a comma with no parameter? That would be a lot easier. Thank you.
A: You should specify only dropdown menu parameters you want to change.
You should just put a commas with no parameters, for example:
dm_ext_changeItem(0, 0, 1, ["Deluxe Menu Info", "", "", "", "Deluxe Menu Hint",,"1"]);
Q: This is probably a really basic question, but I was wondering if your software makes it possible to determine the direction of the drop down menu. In other words, my easy dropdown menu is at the bottom of the page and I want the drop down list to actually go "up," not down. Is that possible with your software?
A: Yes it is possible.
You should use the following easy dropdown menu parameter
var subMenuVAlign="top"; //downward
var subMenuVAlign="bottom"; //upward
var subMenuAlign="left"; //from left to right
var subMenuAlign="right"; //from right to left
Q: When a user clicks on a javascript flyout menu item, I want to run a javascript function.
How can I do this in the data file?
A: You can use your own Javascript code instead standard javascript flyout menu links. For example:
var menuItems = [
["text", "javascript:your_code_here"]
Q: Could I use the javascript menu system tab with ASP pages.
A: Deluxe Tabs is a javascript menu system. It works on aclient side and doesn't depend on server-side implementation.
So there is no limitation for server-side scripting.