Recent Questions
Q: I need the flyout menus in the flash navigation bar to be able to be different widths.
A: Actually the submenu width is depend on the item's size.
You can alsowrap item's text.
Set var noWrap=0; or use standard <br> tagsinside items' text:
["|very long text <br> in Item 14","", "", "", "", "", "3", "1", "", "", "", ],
You can set exact width for each submenu using IndividualSubmenu Styles.
Q: How can I set the top-level hover menu items to be transparent?
A: You should create Individual Item and Submenu styles with transparent itemBackColor and assign it for the top items:
var itemStyles = [
var menuStyles = [
Q: Is it possible to have your menu mouseover call one of my functions?
I need to change some text on the screen based on which menu itemis highlighted.
A: Each menu items can include any html code.
So, you can include your own objects with onmouseover event, forexample:
var menuItems = [
["<div onmouseover='yourFunc()'>item text</div>"]
Where yourFunc() is Javascript function.
Q: Our company bought the deluxemenu bundle about one year ago.
We were wondering is there any api for the deluxmenu js tabs available?
We would need to programatically open a particular tab.
A: No, unfortunately Deluxe Tabs doesn't support API functions now.
You can use the following function to open specific tab:
menuInd - index of a tab menu on a page, >= 0.
itemInd - index of a item, >=0.
For example:
<DIV onClick="dtabs_itemClick(0,2)" style="width: 200px; border: 2px solid #000;">Click to open the third tab</DIV>