Recent Questions
Q: For any reason dropdown menu in javascript know shows incorrect accented characters.
A: You can save your data file in UTF-8 in Windows version of DeluxeTuner v3.2.7.
You should turn on "Tools/Use utf8 encode" property.
In that case your data file will be saved in UTF-8 encode.
Enter these symbols and save your data file.
If you don't want to use UTF-8 encode on your page you should turn off"Tools/Use utf8 encode" property, save your data file and manuallychange your letters in any text editor.
You can also replace your letters with special sets, for example
É - Capital E, acute accent - E
ç - Small c, cedilla - c
var menuItems = [
["É....","testlink.html", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["ç....","testlink.html", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
Q: That worked for the rollover drop down menu but I lost my drop shadow on the main menu. The sub-menus still have it. The preview has the drop shadow but when I view it in IE it is not there.
A: You should check the following parameters:
var shadowLen=3;
var shadowColor="#B1B1B1";
var shadowTop=1;
Q: I have a popup that in one of the submenus has an input field. There is a problem – if the user clicks into the entry field, but moves the mouse outside the java swing menu, the menu can close while the user is still typing. Is there any way to prevent that from happening?
A: You can make submenus to stay visible till you click outside the menu or scroll your page.To enable this feature you should set the following parameter:
var smHidePause=-1;
You can set this parameter to each submenu individually usingIndividual Submenu Styles.
Q: I set a custom target at '_mainFrame' required by Dreamweaver to view in a particular frame. When I click my button it opens in its own window.
Your thoughts would be appreciated.
A: Please, check the following code, for example
var itemTarget="_mainFrame";
["Galerie de photos","photos/index.php", "img/arrow_r.gif","img/arrow_o.gif", , "_self", , , , ],
["Galerie de photos","photos/index.php", "img/arrow_r.gif","img/arrow_o.gif", , "_mainFrame", , , , ],
I suppose that now you have such code
["Galerie de photos","photos/index.php", "img/arrow_r.gif","img/arrow_o.gif", , "_blank", , , , ],