Recent Questions
Q: I can't get drop down navigation menu to centre in the table..
I want it to - which is just below the header flash
Could you let me know what to do
A: Now you're using absolute position for Deluxe Menu:
var absolutePos=1;
You should use relative position:
var absolutePos=0;
Try that.Q: We are in the stage of design, we have a requirement to have the right click drop down menu fly out from right to left.
A: The following parameter controls the ways of showing submenus:
From left to right:
var subMenuAlign="left";
var subMenuVAlign="top";
From left to right + upwards:
var subMenuAlign="left";
var subMenuVAlign="bottom";
From right to left:
var subMenuAlign="right";
var subMenuVAlign="top";
From right to left + upwards:
var subMenuAlign="right";
var subMenuVAlign="bottom";
You can find this info here:
Q: It's me again, I got the buttons to show... Now, looking to get the floating feature to work in the java script menu.
A: To enable floating feature you should set the following parameter:
var floatable=1;
Check also that you have dmenu_add.js file in the same folder withdmenu.js file.
Q: Is there a way to open the link of my down horizontal menu in the same window?
A: You can set the following parameter:
var itemTarget = "_self";