Recent Questions
Q: What can you tell me about the compatibility with Yahoo SiteBuilder. I like the navigator bars they offer, but there are no drop-down menus and you seem to offer a wonderful array of options.
Please let me know if it is worth my time to give you a try.
A: Unfortunately, we don't provide support by phone, e-mail only.
Deluxe Menu wasn't developed as Dreamweaver/Frontpage/Yahoo SiteBuilder extension,BUT you can use it as standard Javascript files. To install the menuinto your html page:
1. open the page in your program
2. open html source code of the page
3. add several rows of code (<script> tags), For info see:
That's all.
To create and configure your menus use Deluxe Tuner application
(included into the trial package):
Please, try a trial version.
Q: How are the menus affected if javascript is not enabled and other security levels are used in browsers?
A: When your security settings in IE doesn't allow Javascript onpages you load you can't see a dynamic page content.
There is no way to enable these preferences automatically, in othercase there are no reasons to create security preferences.
Please, try to use search engine friendly code you'll see all yourlinks.
You can generate search engine friendly code.
Deluxe Menu is a search engine friendly menu since v1.12.
To create a search engine friendly menu you should add additional html code within your html page:
<div id="dmlinks">
<a href="">menu_item_text1</a>
<a href=""&glt;menu_item_text2</a>
To generate such a code use Deluxe Tuner application.
You can find this GUI in the trial package.
Run Tuner, load your menu and click Tools/Generate SE-friendly Code (F3).
Q: I use your deluxe menu for my personal website and want to use it for a client site that we are putting together at work. However, there is one challenge. Some of the sites we build for our clients are internal only and do not have a proper domain name. In the case of my current client, the site answer to a servername call from within the network. Eg. http://WebServer1/ . They will NOT have a proper domain name (eg So, my question is, how can we purchase a license and have this work? Does your licensing need to be tied to a domain name to work? Also, the client has not yet confirmed the server name. How will this work?
A: You need to register the hostname of the website (as appears in the URL, for examplehttp://yourintranet/ , http://WebServer1/).
In you case you should register "WebServer1".
< Does your licensing need to be tied to a domain name to work?
Single and Multiple Website licenses are bound to a domain name.
Developer License - this version of the script doesn't check keys and it isn't bound to a domain name,so it can be used with an application that doesn't have a fixed domain name.
For your new client you can buy Single Website License. You can alsoupgrade to Multiple Website license for the price difference and generate your own keys for theclients or you can upgrade to Developer License.
Q: What is occurring is that the information on the first tab is appearing on every tab. The other tabs are behaving correctly, but the first tab appearing at the top.
A: Now you have such items
["$Contacts", "contacts",,,,"How to contact Civil Liberties Australia", "0"],
["The Board", "board",,,,"Members of the CLA Board", "0"],
["Policies", "policy",,,,"An outline of CLA's policies", "0"],
["Other Matters", "other",,,,"Other administrative matters of CLA' page","0"],
But I cannot find DIV with ID "contacts".
May be you should write
["$Contacts", "content",,,,"How to contact Civil Liberties Australia", "0"],
Please, check it.