Recent Questions
Q: I didn't specify link for the item, but the problem is the mouse cursorchanges to a hand, when the item of the web navigation bar (not link) is mouse over.
A: Unfortunately there is no way to change cursor for items with links and without links.
You can try to use <a> tag inside the text field:
["<a href="">test</a>","",""]
Set default cursor:
var titemCursor="default";
Q: I just ordered Deluxe Menu & Deluxe Tree & Deluxe Tabs Single Website License. I have no conformation email, nothing to prove that I have ordered this product. Can I download this product how am I going to receive this product?
A: We do not accept payments directly and use share-it paymentprocessing service.
We use ShareIt service to process orders.
ShareIt! Inc.
element 5 GmbH
9625 West 76th Street, Suite 150
Eden Prairie, MN 55344, USA
After the ordering is complete and ShareIt has it verified(which can take approximately 24 hours), you'll get your license info.
Q: How does the SiteMap function work in java menu software? Does it automatically create tree-view from the domain registration (License Key Generator)? We want to generate SiteMap from our domain automatically and save it as HTML to be displayed on our homepage.
A: You can create Sitemap for your menu using java menu software.
Tools/Generate Google XML Sitemap
Tools/Generate Sitemap
> We want to generate SiteMap from our domain automatically and save it
> as HTML to be displayed on our homepage.
There is no such a feature in Deluxe Menus, you can create sitemap forthe menu only.
Q: I was not able to resolve seeing FAQ, is the following one:
If an item of a menu is very large, as "please, select the color you prefer for the background of the image of the photo of your san", as can I put a break line to obtain the item written in two or more lines?, as, for example:
please, select the color you
prefer for the background of
the image of the photo of your son
only an item, anly a link, but three lines in the item.
A: Try to set this parameter:
var noWrap=0;
If it is not suitable for you, try to use <br> tags in the item text, for example:
var menuItems = [
["please, select the color you<br>prefer for the background
of<br>the image of the photo of your son",,,],