Recent Questions
Q: I have to make a japanese Website. Therefore I have to make a dhtml sliding menu with japanese signs and text.
Is it possible to make the deluxe-menu with japanese signs?
A: Yes, you can use Japanese letters in the menu.
Set "Tools/Use UTF8 encode" and create your menu.Q: We are using a licenced version of your tree-menu.
Now we have a situation, where we should show the actualclicked menu position with an icon or a color for a collapse tree menu.
A: This can be found with the help of external function of tree menu.
dtreet_ext_userClick(itID, event) - this function is called when clicking a mouse button on the item.
itID - item id
event - standard structure of events generated browser
dtreet_ext_getItemParams (menuInd, itemID) - returns all item parameters.
Please visit for addition information.Q: How i can to order tabs in the onclick tab menu from right to left ??
A: Try to use that parameter:
var bitemAlign="right";Q: I am working with drop down menu creator that I just downloaded and am having problems with where the menu is being placed. It looks likemaybe the "trial" logo is in the right spot but the menu is appearing several rows below where I insert it. Any ideas?
A: Try to set the following parameters:
var posX="0px";
var posY="0px";