Recent Questions
Q: I just visited your site and found the scrollable menu.
I downloaded the trial version, but where to find the scrollable menu.
Going through the trail version and finding that it would satisfy all my requirement.
My requirement is as below
Category >> List of Continent > List of country > List of State > List of city.
In my case the list of country, state and city will be more so need a scroll over there.
Let me know is there any limitation in your menu.
A: If you have many items in submenu you should set the following parameter to make you submenu scrollable:
var smSmartScroll=1;
Please, see more info here:
Q: Is it possible to have it remember which sub menus were showing
in the table tree view when the new page loads?
A: Deluxe Tree has save state feature. You should set the followingparameter:
var tsaveState=1;
Q: How do I control the individual tab width for afloat tabs?
A: var bmenuWidth="100%";
I have 5 items in my example, so I've created Individual Style
var bstyles = [
And assign it for all items:
["Item 1 text text","", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
["Item 2 text text","", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
["Item 3 text text","", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
["Item 4 text text","", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
["Item 5 text text","", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
But notice that items width cannot be smaller than the width of its'text.
So it is possible that you'll have different size of some itemsif your window have a small size.
Q: Are vertical menus also supported, because I don't see any in the javascript menu examples?
A: Yes, you can create vertical menu with Deluxe Menu.
You should set this parameter:
var isHorizontal=0;
See one of the javascript menu examples here: